In a world of great wealth
Where many are hungry
Many persecuted
Guide us into the way of hope, justice and love
Song “Peacemaker”
Loving God, we are fragmented and conflicted,
We speak of liberation and oppress
We speak of peace and are violent
Help us to love and not hate
Even in these dark days. Amen
We say the Lord’s Prayer in our own language
Reading Romans 5v20 The Ten Commandments were given so that all could see the extent of their failure to obey God’s laws. But the more we see our sinfulness, the more we see God’s abounding grace forgiving us. 21 Before, sin ruled over all and brought them to death, but now God’s kindness rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Our Prayers
We pray tonight for those in lockdown, for kids and teaching staff, for doctors and health workers, for people who are isolated and exhausted, for the people of Belarus, Syria, Yemen and Hong Kong, for the unrest in the US and the chaos in the UK and all those we know who need our help and prayers who we carry in our hearts tonight.
Spirit of the Living God present with us now enter their bodies, minds and spirits and heal them of all that harms them. Let your angels be beside them at this time and protect them. In Jesus Name we pray.
Closing Responses
In the depth of silence
No words are needed
We are just called to listen
To the movement of the Spirit
And in the midst of confusion
To hear your voice.
©Iona Community and Janet Morley adapted