Tuesday 19 March 2024

Prayers March 20th 2024, 2024年3月20日祈禱, 2024년 3월 20일 기도

The wilderness and the dry lands shall blossom

The wasteland will be cultivated

It will bring forth flowers like a rose.

The desert will flood with water

The scorched earth will become as a lake

And the parched land, spring with water.


Song “Jesus Christ I think upon your sacrifice” https://youtu.be/ewIpRdDU9Q8?feature=shared


We say the Lords Prayer in our own language


Luke 18v1-7


Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not become discouraged,saying, “In a certain city there was a judge who did not fear God and did not respect any person. Now there was a widow in that city, and she kept coming to him, saying, ‘Give me justice against my opponent.’ For a while he was unwilling; but later he said to himself, ‘Even though I do not fear God nor respect any person,yet because this widow is bothering me, I will give her justice; otherwise by continually coming she will wear me out.’”And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unrighteous judge *said;now, will God not bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night, and will He delay long for them? 


We pray for the negotiations for peace in Gaza, for Israel, for peace in Ukraine, for Russia, for work to halt climate change, for the 100 million people who are displaced wandering around the globe looking for a new home and grieving the loss of their homeland, for the homeless, the hungry, the distressed.  May God’s hand be upon us in these difficult times, your angels protect us and the Holy Spirit work in and around us. Amen 


Song “Build your kingdom here” https://youtu.be/sbdJXKqVgtg?feature=shared


The eyes of the blind will be opened

The ears of the deaf will be unstopped

The lame shall leap like a deer

And the tongue of the dumb shall sing.









歌曲耶穌基督,我想到你的犧牲” https://youtu.be/sbdJXKqVgtg?feature=shared




路加福音 18v1-7


耶穌對他們講了一個比,叫他們時時禱告,不可灰心。:「某城裡有一個官,不敬畏神,也不尊重人。 3 那城裡有一個寡婦,常來見耶穌,:「求你給我伸冤,向我的仇敵伸張正義。」他有一陣子不願意,後來就到了耶穌那裡。 但後來他心裡雖然我不敬畏上帝,也不尊重任何人,但既然這個寡婦擾亂了我,我就要給她伸張正義。” 』」6:「請聽那不義的審判官所的話;7現在,神豈不會為那些晝夜呼求他的選民伸張正義嗎?」他會為他們拖延很久嗎?


我們為加薩和平談判、為以色列祈禱、為烏克蘭和平祈禱、為俄羅斯祈禱、為制止氣候變遷的工作、為在全球各地尋找新家園、為失去家園而悲痛的一億流離失所者祈禱。他們的家園,是無家可歸者、飢餓者和貧困者的家。願上帝的手在這些困難時期臨到我們身上,願你的天使保護我們,願聖靈在我們裡面和周圍工作。 阿門


歌曲在這裡建立你的王國” https://youtu.be/sbdJXKqVgtg?feature=shared







광야와 마른 땅이 꽃을 피우리라

황무지가 경작될 것이다

장미 같은 꽃을 피우게 됩니다.

사막에 물이 넘칠 것이다

메마른 땅이 호수처럼 변할 것이다

그리고 메마른 땅에 물이 솟는다.


노래 “예수 그리스도 당신의 희생을 생각합니다



우리는 우리의 언어로 주기도문을 바칩니다


누가복음 18:1-7


이제 예수께서 그들에게 항상 기도하고 낙심하지 말아야 함을 보이시기 위해 비유를 베풀어 말씀하셨다. 2 “어떤 도시에 하나님을 두려워하지 않고 사람을 무시하는 재판관이 있었다. 3  도시에  과부가 있었는데  사람이 계속 그에게 와서 '나의 원수에 대한 원한을 풀어 주십시오'라고 말했습니다. 4 그가 한동안 허락하지 않았습니다그러나 나중에 그는 속으로 이렇게 생각했습니다. '내가 하나님을 두려워하지도 않고 사람을 무시할지라도 5  과부가 나를 귀찮게 하니 내가 그에게 원한을 풀어주겠다그렇지 않으면  여자가 계속 와서 나를 지치게  것이다.'” 6 여호와께서 말씀하셨다그분께서 그들을 위해 오랫동안 지체하실 것인가?


우리는 가자지구의 평화이스라엘우크라이나의 평화러시아의 평화기후 변화를 막기 위한 노력새로운 집을 찾아  세계를 떠돌며 상실에 슬퍼하는 1 명의 난민들을 위한 협상을 위해 기도합니다노숙자배고픈 사람고통받는 사람들을 위한 그들의 조국입니다 어려운 시기에 하나님의 손이 우리에게 임하게 하시고당신의 천사들이 우리를 보호하시고성령께서 우리 안팎에서 일하시기를 바랍니다아멘


노래 '여기에 당신의 왕국을 건설하세요'



소경의 눈이 밝아지리라

귀먹은 자의 귀가 막히리라

저는 자는 사슴처럼 뛰리라

그리고 벙어리의 혀는 노래할 것이다.



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