Saturday 25 May 2024

Trinity 2024, 三位一體 2024, 트리니티 2024


We believe in God, Creator of life,

We believe in Jesus Christ, resurrected from the dead

We believe in the Holy Spirit, changing and challenging

We recognise one way, the way of faith, hope and love.


Song "We labour unto Glory”


We say the Lord’s Prayer in our own language


Reading John 3 v1-10 


Reflection “God’s activists”


The gospel story in John is about Nicodemus. He was a Pharisee, representing those Jews of high office who thought Jesus is maybe ok but had problems with some of his words and actions. Jesus was regarded as a dangerous person by this time because he had cleared out the temple of people who didn’t worship God but worshipped money. “My house has become a den of robbers” he said. Do we ensure our churches, our homes, worship God rather than money?


Nicodemus has attitude. "We know" he says. Pharisees-speak, the royal "we". His is an academic interest in Jesus. Detached. "How can a grown man be born a second time?" he sneers. "Don't you understand these things?" responds Jesus.


The way to stand approved before God requires a spiritual rebirth by the power of God. It is ongoing.  We keep being born again. Eternal life is a gift of God and is given to everyone who believes in Jesus, even to a terrorist or a paedophile.


The early church as recorded in Acts 2 has received the Spirit. The result is that many people were converted. But then they did something very profound. They began to come together as a people, Gods people, worshipping, praying, sharing their food and belongings. They gave up materialism. You can always tell where someone’s heart is by where they put their things and their money! And the church grew. 


Remember this wasn’t against a backdrop of a peaceful society. The Romans under Marcus Antonius and the Jewish authorities under Herod were killing people, especially Christians. There was persecution and occupation. And the church kept growing. 


We have persecution today. Persecution of people of colour everywhere, people standing up for the truth and human dignity, refugees, people who are different in some way. We have wars in Ukraine and Gaza, Sudan and Yemen and many other places. Are we detached and complacent? Passive. Are we like Nicodemus, academic, almost forensic about our engagement with these terrible events? What would Jesus do? What does God think? How many deaths does it take before we say enough is enough!


Slavery happened because white people said nothing and twelve million black people were uprooted from their homes in Africa to become slaves to white people in the US, Caribbean and South America. The Holocaust happened because good people did nothing and 6 million people perished. People are perishing today in countries around the world because they are persecuted. 


Don’t point the finger at anyone and do nothing. Don’t moan about the government and do nothing. Our passivity is too costly and costs lives. We have a voice that can challenge, we have hands that can write letters, we have feet that can march and vote. 


Don’t think that we are powerless, any of us. Do not be tainted by complicity, by passivity. 


The early Christians were together. We need to be together. To pray. To share. To worship. To act. To be brave. We need to be Gods Activists. For the sake of our families, our friends, our neighbours, our country, our future, our world.  For Christs sake. Amen


Our prayers for our world, our countries, our families


God beyond us, lead us forward to pray.

God beside us, teach us gently to pray

God within us, still our hearts to pray.


Song " Be thou my vision"


May the everlasting God shield us

East and West and wherever we go

And the blessing of God be upon us

The blessing of the Christ of Love

The blessing of the Spirit of Peace

Now and for evermore. Amen.












讀約翰福音 3  1-10 




約翰福音的故事是關於尼哥底母的。 他是法利賽人,代表那些身居高位的猶太人,他們認為耶穌也許還不錯,但對他的一些言行有問題。 耶穌此時被視為危險人物,因為他清除了聖殿中那些不敬拜上帝而拜金錢的人。 “我的房子已經變成了強盜窩點,他 我們是否確保我們的教會、我們的家庭敬拜上帝而不是金錢?


尼哥底母有態度。 “我們知道 法利賽人所的,是皇室的「我們」。 他對耶穌有學術興趣。 分離。 “一個成年人怎麼可能有第二次出生? 他冷笑道。 “這些事情你還不明白嗎? 耶穌回答。


要想在神面前得蒙稱許,就需要藉著神的大能而獲得屬靈的重生。 它正在進行中。 我們不斷重生。 永生是上帝的禮物,賜給每個相信耶穌的人,甚至是恐怖份子或戀童癖者。


使徒行傳二章所記載的早期教會已經接受了聖靈。 結果是許多人歸信了。 但後來他們做了一些非常深刻的事。他們開始作為一個民族、神的子民聚集在一起,敬拜、禱告、分享他們的食物和財物。 他們放棄了唯物主義。你總是能從一個人把東西和錢放在哪裡就能看出他的心在哪裡! 教會不斷成長。


請記住,這並不是在和平社會的背景下發生的。 馬庫斯·安東尼烏斯領導下的羅馬人和希律王領導下的猶太當局正在屠殺人民,特別是基督徒。 有迫害和佔領。 教會不斷成長。


今天我們遭受迫害。 到處都有對有色人種的迫害,有為真理和人性尊嚴挺身而出的人、難民,還有在某些方面與別人不同的人。 我們在烏克蘭、加薩、蘇丹和也門以及許多其他地方都有戰爭。 我們是否超然且自滿? 被動的。 我們是否像尼哥底母一樣,學術性的,對我們與這些可怕事件的參與幾乎是法醫式的? 耶穌會怎麼做? 神怎麼看? 到底要死多少人才能了!


奴隸制度的發生是因為白人甚麼也沒,一千二百萬黑人被迫離開非洲的家園,成為美國、加勒比海和南美洲白人的奴隸。 大屠殺的發生是因為好人無所作為,導致 600 萬人喪生。 今天,世界各國的人們因遭受迫害而滅亡。


不要把矛頭指向任何人,也不要做任何事。 不要抱怨政府,什麼都不做。 我們的被動性代價太高,甚至奪走了生命。 我們有可以挑戰的聲音,我們有可以寫信的雙手,我們有可以遊行和投票的雙


不要認為我們任何人都無能為力。 不要被共謀、被動所玷


早期的基督徒是在一起的。 我們需要在一起。 祈禱。 分享。 去崇拜。 行動。 勇敢一點。 我們需要成為神的積極分子。 為了我們的家人、我們的朋友、我們的鄰居、我們的國家、我們的未來、我們的世界。 看在上帝的份上。 阿門















現在和永遠。 阿門。



우리는 생명의 창조주이신 하나님을 믿습니다.

우리는 죽은  가운데서 부활하신 예수 그리스도를 믿습니다.

우리는 변화하고 도전하는 성령을 믿습니다.

우리는   믿음소망사랑의 길을 인식합니다.


노래 "우리는 영광을 위해 수고합니다


우리는 우리의 언어로 주기도문을 바칩니다.


요한복음 3 1-10 읽기


묵상 “하나님의 활동가들


요한복음의 이야기는 니고데모에 관한 이야기입니다그는 예수가 괜찮다고 생각했지만 그의 말과 행동  일부에 문제가 있는 유대인 고위직을 대표하는 바리새인이었습니다이때 예수님은 하나님을 섬기지 않고 돈을 섬기는 사람들의 성전을 깨끗하게 하셨기 때문에 위험한 인물로 여겨졌습니다. “ 집이 강도의 굴혈이 되었도다했습니다우리는 교회와 가정이 돈보다 하나님을 예배하도록 보장하고 있습니까?


니고데모는 태도를 가지고 있습니다. "우리는 알고 있다" 그는 말한다바리새인들은 왕족의 "우리" 말합니다그의 학문적 관심은 예수에 관한 것입니다떨어져 있는. "어찌 어른이 다시 태어날  있겠습니까?" 그는 비웃는다. "이런 것들이 이해가  가시나요?" 예수께서 대답하신다.


하나님 앞에 인정받는 길은 하나님의 능력에 의한 영적인 거듭남을 요구합니다계속 진행 중입니다우리는 계속해서 다시 태어나고 있어요영생은 하나님의 선물이며 테러리스트나 소아성애자라도 예수를 믿는 모든 사람에게 주어진다.


사도행전 2장에 기록된 초대교회는 성령을 받았습니다 결과 많은 사람들이 개종하게 되었습니다그러나 그들은 매우 심오한 일을 했습니다그들은 하나의 백성하나님의 백성으로서 함께 모여 예배하고기도하고음식과 소유물을 나누기 시작했습니다그들은 물질주의를 포기했습니다물건과 돈을 어디에 두는지 보면  사람의 마음이 어디에 있는지 언제든지   있습니다그리고 교회는 성장했습니다.


이것이 평화로운 사회를 배경으로  것이 아니라는 것을 기억하십시오마르쿠스 안토니우스 휘하의 로마인과헤롯 휘하의 유대 당국은 사람들특히 그리스도인들을 죽이고 있었습니다박해와 점령이 있었습니다그리고교회는 계속해서 성장했습니다.


오늘날 우리는 박해를 받고 있습니다어디에서나 유색인종에 대한 박해진실과 인간의 존엄성을 옹호하는 사람들난민어떤 면에서는 다른 사람들우리는 우크라이나가자수단예멘  기타 여러 지역에서 전쟁을 벌이고 있습니다우리는 분리되어 있고 안주하고 있습니까수동적인우리는  끔찍한 사건에 대한 우리의 관여에 대해 거의 법의학적인 학자인 니고데모와 같습니까예수라면 어떻게 했을까하나님은 어떻게 생각하시나요충분하다고 말하기까지 얼마나 많은 죽음이 필요합니까!


노예제도는 백인들이 아무 말도 하지 않았기 때문에 일어났고, 1,200 명의 흑인들이 아프리카에 있는 고향에서 쫓겨나 미국카리브해남미의 백인들의 노예가 되었기 때문에 일어났습니다홀로코스트는 선한 사람들이아무것도 하지 않았고 600 명이 목숨을 잃었기 때문에 일어났습니다오늘날 세계 여러 나라의 사람들은 박해를 받아 죽어가고 있습니다.


누구에게도 손가락질하지 말고 아무것도 하지 마십시오정부에 대해 신음하지 말고 아무것도하지 마십시오우리의 수동성은 비용이 너무 많이 들고 생명을 앗아갑니다우리에게는 도전할  있는 목소리가 있고편지를  있는 손이 있으며행진하고 투표할  있는 발이 있습니다.


우리  누구도 무력하다고 생각하지 마십시오공모나 수동성에 오염되지 마십시오.


초기 그리스도인들이 함께 있었습니다우리는 함께 있어야 합니다기도하다공유합니다예배하다연기하다용감해지다우리는 하나님의 활동가가 되어야 합니다우리 가족친구이웃국가미래세계를 위해맙소사아멘


우리의 세계우리 나라우리 가족을 위한 우리의 기도


우리 너머의 하나님우리가 기도할  있도록 앞으로 인도해 주십시오.

우리 곁에 계신 하나님부드럽게 기도하는 법을 가르쳐 주세요

우리 안에 계신 하나님여전히 우리 마음은 기도합니다.


노래 "너는 나의 비전이 되어라


영원하신 하나님이 우리를 보호하시기를 원하노라

동쪽과 서쪽그리고 어디를 가든지

그리고 하나님의 축복이 우리에게 있기를

사랑의 그리스도의 축복

평화의 영의 축복

지금 그리고 영원히아멘.







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