Monday 16 February 2015

Preparation for Lent

This week we begin the period of time known 
traditionally as Lent. It is named after  the Anglo Saxon word, Lenten meaning the lengthening of days. In the first three centuries of the church a few days were set aside for strict fasting. By the 4th century this preparation time had developed to 40 days, like the 40 years of the Exodus that the people of Israel spent lost in the desert, like the 40 days of fasting of Moses, Elijah and Jesus. 40 
days is a long time to go without food and drink. It's really the maximum a body could stand.

Lent has traditionally been seen as a time of personal meditation, a cleansing of the soul and also a time of preparation for those receiving baptism on Easter Sunday. It begins with a time of penitence, of saying sorry , on Ash Wednesday, much like Yom Kippur

In the Roman Catholic Church fasting is still practised on Ash Wednesday and on Good Friday. In the Eastern Orthodox Church not eating eggs, meat and fish is still common throughout Lent, which is why painted eggs are given out on Easter Sunday and eggs are eaten in pancakes on Shrove Tuesday.

The colour representing Lent is purple and unbleached fabric and in some churches there are no flowers during Lent and all the crosses are covered.

For the Israelites the Exodus meant moving from a situation of slavery, 
where they had food and shelter into a situation of great risk, not 
knowing where they were going, how they were going to be fed, where 
they were going...into a desert!  Lent discipline is a bit like voluntarily entering a desert or a time of wilderness.

There are spiritual disciplines that can help us. Silence, prayer, 
reading the scriptures, fasting... these times set aside for meditation can be a time of creative breakthrough, a way forward. 

The Christian journey requires that we take risks otherwise we stop 
growing as people of faith. We may move away from being respectable 
and  risks are taken with no quarantee of success otherwise they would 
not require faith, they wouldnt be risks. It is easy to trust God when 
things are going well but when the going gets tough then many of us 
look down and start to sink like Peter, before he walked on water.

Our Muslim friends celebrate Ramadan with a month of disciplined fasting from dawn to dusk. What about us? 
How are we going to give this Lent  to God, to allow the Spirit of 
Christ to work something new in us, to learn more, to 
seek God in prayer? The number 40 represents a change; we have 40 days to 
reflect and maybe to enact change, with God's help.

There are books that can help us on that journey. There are organised 
times of prayer and reflection. The choice is ours.

We may choose to go into a desert or we may be driven there like the Israelites. We may already be in that desert, or on the edge of it. It may help us to be with others or to be alone. Whatever you do this Lent, do it consciously.

We have our own boats to stay in or to leave. 

Servant Christ help us to follow you into that place of quiet retreat, 
knowing that you will be with us, even in the deserts and the times of 
sinking and drowning. Help us to look to you more 
and to trust and take your outstretched hand. Amen.



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