We are called to follow Christ
To respect Gods creation
To love and serve others
And to seek justice and resist evil
Song “The Summons”
Prayer of Lament
The sea roars with the grief
of all the plastic that fills it
of the destruction of coral reef.
The fields exclaim despair
for delayed rains and prolonged drought for species extinction on a daily basis.
No song of joy rings out from the trees of the forest decimated by forest fires.
How long O God,
In you we put our trust.
We are sorry that we do not care for your world.
God forgive us,
Christ bless us.
God’s Spirit help us to grow in love. Amen.
The Lord’s Prayer in our own language
Reflection on Mark 12:38-44
While he was teaching he told them to beware of the teachers of the law (today this might be politicians!). Be on your guard".
They like to walk around in flowing robes, dressing up (the rich, church dignatories) and to be greeted, welcomed drinking up adulation. They like the most important seats in religious meetings, the best seat in the house. In a synagogue this is the box in front of the ark within which is stored the scrolls of scripture. They crave the places of honour at banquets and dinner parties. They devour and exploit, widows, the vulnerable, those who have little to spare, for show, pretence, pretext. They make lengthy prayers. These men will receive a terrible judgement.
In contrast the widow gives all that she has to God. She has two coins, so she could have kept one back, but she gives everything. The coins were the smallest minted in Palestine, a copper "lepton". For his non-Jewish readers, Mark notes that a lepton is a fraction, about one eighth, of the smallest Roman copper coin, a quadrans, a penny or cent.
Jesus is seated on a bench, as he watches the widow place her coins in one of the thirteen trumpet-shaped money boxes found against the wall in the Court of the Women. Mark's point here is that the robbed widows, in contrast to the robber scribes, are those who truly serve God. Many rich people were also throwing a lot of money into the boxes. Jesus called his disciples and said to them, "I tell you the truth, that this poor woman has put in much more than all the others". She has given everything and comparatively the rich (billionaires) have given nothing, because they have given what they can easily afford. They have given out of their abundance but she has given out of her poverty, everything she had to live on.
As the world meets at COP 26 to discuss climate change which the rich nations have inflicted on the poor nations are we not seeing the same displayed before us, with Covid vaccines agents of currency rather than acts of justice, with rich people milking the Covid situation?
Beware rich religious hypocrites! Amen
Song “A touching place”
For the beauty of the Earth desecrated by pollution extinguished by forest fires choked by plastic waste
O living God, to you we plead forgive the adults for their systemic greed.
For the urgency of this hour ignored by apathy or procrastination
wasted by ineffective decisions denied by economic interests, Christ, forgive us for the governments selfish short-term behaviour.
For the joy of human love fractured by forced migration crushed by bereavement, lost to typhoons, floods, starvation, Christ, bringer of justice, forgive us for this climate crisis.
Song “Christ be our light”
We will live justly
We will love kindly
We will walk with God. Amen
With thanks to ©Christian Aid and Brian Finlayson
Kita dipanggil untuk mengikuti Kristus
Untuk menghormati ciptaan Tuhan
Untuk mencintai dan melayani orang lain
Dan untuk mencari keadilan dan melawan kejahatan
Lagu “Panggilan”
Doa Ratapan
Laut mengaum dengan kesedihan
dari semua plastik yang mengisinya
dari rusaknya terumbu karang.
Ladang berseru putus asa
untuk hujan tertunda dan kekeringan berkepanjangan untuk kepunahan spesies setiap hari.
Tidak ada nyanyian kegembiraan yang terdengar dari pohon-pohon di hutan yang dihancurkan oleh kebakaran hutan.
Berapa lama ya Tuhan,
Pada Anda kami menaruh kepercayaan kami.
Kami minta maaf karena kami tidak peduli dengan dunia Anda.
Tuhan mengampuni kita,
Kristus memberkati kita.
Roh Tuhan membantu kita untuk bertumbuh dalam kasih. Amin.
Doa Bapa Kami dalam bahasa kami sendiri
Refleksi pada Markus 12:38-44
Sementara dia mengajar dia mengatakan kepada mereka untuk berhati-hati terhadap guru hukum (hari ini mungkin politisi!). Waspadalah".
Mereka suka berjalan-jalan dengan jubah yang mengalir, berdandan (orang kaya, pejabat gereja) dan disambut, disambut dengan pujian. Mereka menyukai kursi terpenting dalam pertemuan keagamaan, kursi terbaik di rumah. Di sinagoga ini adalah kotak di depan bahtera yang di dalamnya tersimpan gulungan kitab suci. Mereka mendambakan tempat terhormat di perjamuan dan pesta makan malam. Mereka melahap dan mengeksploitasi, para janda, yang rentan, mereka yang memiliki sedikit cadangan, untuk pertunjukan, kepura-puraan, dalih. Mereka membuat doa yang panjang. Orang-orang ini akan menerima penghakiman yang mengerikan.
Sebaliknya janda memberikan semua yang dia miliki kepada Tuhan. Dia punya dua koin, jadi dia bisa menyimpan satu, tapi dia memberikan segalanya. Koin-koin tersebut adalah yang terkecil yang dicetak di Palestina, sebuah "lepton" tembaga. Untuk pembaca non-Yahudinya, Markus mencatat bahwa lepton adalah pecahan, sekitar seperdelapan, dari koin tembaga Romawi terkecil, sebuah kuadran, satu sen atau satu sen.
Yesus duduk di bangku, saat dia melihat janda menempatkan koinnya di salah satu dari tiga belas kotak uang berbentuk terompet yang ditemukan di dinding di Pengadilan Wanita. Maksud Markus di sini adalah bahwa janda yang dirampok, berbeda dengan ahli Taurat perampok, adalah mereka yang benar-benar melayani Tuhan. Banyak orang kaya juga membuang banyak uang ke dalam kotak. Yesus memanggil murid-muridnya dan berkata kepada mereka, "Aku berkata kepadamu yang sebenarnya, bahwa wanita malang ini telah memberi lebih banyak daripada yang lain". Dia telah memberikan segalanya dan secara komparatif orang kaya (miliarder) tidak memberikan apa-apa, karena mereka telah memberikan apa yang mereka mampu dengan mudah. Mereka telah memberi dari kelimpahan mereka tetapi dia telah memberi dari kemiskinannya, semua yang dia miliki untuk hidup.
Ketika dunia bertemu di COP 26 untuk membahas perubahan iklim yang telah ditimbulkan oleh negara-negara kaya pada negara-negara miskin, apakah kita tidak melihat hal yang sama ditampilkan di hadapan kita, dengan agen mata uang vaksin Covid alih-alih tindakan keadilan, dengan orang kaya memeras situasi Covid ?
Waspadalah terhadap orang-orang munafik agama yang kaya! Amin
Lagu “Tempat yang menyentuh”
Demi keindahan bumi yang tercemar polusi yang padam oleh kebakaran hutan yang tersendat oleh sampah plastik
O Tuhan yang hidup, kami mohon ampuni orang dewasa atas keserakahan sistemik mereka.
Untuk urgensi saat ini diabaikan oleh sikap apatis atau penundaan
disia-siakan oleh keputusan yang tidak efektif yang disangkal oleh kepentingan ekonomi, Tuhan, ampunilah kami atas perilaku egois jangka pendek pemerintah.
Untuk kegembiraan cinta manusia yang retak oleh migrasi paksa yang dihancurkan oleh kehilangan, hilang karena topan, banjir, kelaparan, Kristus, pembawa keadilan, maafkan kami atas krisis iklim ini.
Lagu “Kristus jadilah terang kami”
Kami akan hidup adil
Kami akan mencintai dengan ramah
Kita akan berjalan bersama Tuhan. Amin
Dengan terima kasih kepada © Christian Aid dan Brian Finlayson
Somos chamados a seguir a Cristo
Para respeitar a criação de Deus
Para amar e servir aos outros
E para buscar justiça e resistir ao mal
Música “The Summons”
Oração de Lamento
O mar ruge com a dor
de todo o plástico que o preenche
da destruição do recife de coral.
Os campos exclamam desespero
para chuvas atrasadas e seca prolongada para a extinção de espécies em uma base diária.
Nenhuma canção de alegria ecoa das árvores da floresta dizimadas pelos incêndios florestais.
Quanto tempo, ó Deus,
Em você colocamos nossa confiança.
Lamentamos não nos importar com seu mundo.
Deus nos perdoe,
Cristo nos abençoe.
O Espírito de Deus nos ajuda a crescer no amor. Um homem.
Oração do Senhor em nossa própria língua
Reflexão sobre Marcos 12: 38-44
Enquanto ele estava ensinando, ele lhes disse para tomarem cuidado com os mestres da lei (hoje podem ser os políticos!). Esteja em guarda ".
Eles gostam de andar por aí com mantos esvoaçantes, vestir-se (os ricos, dignatários da igreja) e ser saudados, bem-vindos bebendo adulação. Eles gostam dos lugares mais importantes nas reuniões religiosas, o melhor lugar da casa. Em uma sinagoga, esta é a caixa em frente à arca dentro da qual estão armazenados os rolos das escrituras. Eles anseiam por lugares de honra em banquetes e jantares. Devoram e exploram, viúvas, os vulneráveis, os que pouco têm de sobra, para ostentação, fingimento, pretexto. Eles fazem orações longas. Esses homens receberão um julgamento terrível.
Em contraste, a viúva dá tudo o que tem a Deus. Ela tem duas moedas, então ela poderia ter ficado com uma, mas ela dá tudo. As moedas foram as menores cunhadas na Palestina, um "leptão" de cobre. Para seus leitores não judeus, Mark observa que um leptão é uma fração, cerca de um oitavo, da menor moeda de cobre romana, um quadrante, um centavo ou centavo.
Jesus está sentado em um banco, enquanto observa a viúva colocar suas moedas em um dos treze cofres em forma de trombeta encontrados contra a parede do Pátio das Mulheres. O que Marcos quer dizer aqui é que as viúvas roubadas, em contraste com os escribas ladrões, são aquelas que realmente servem a Deus. Muitas pessoas ricas também estavam jogando muito dinheiro nas caixas. Jesus chamou os seus discípulos e disse-lhes: "Em verdade vos digo que esta pobre mulher deu muito mais do que todas as outras". Ela deu tudo e comparativamente os ricos (bilionários) não deram nada, porque eles deram o que podem facilmente pagar. Eles deram de sua abundância, mas ela deu de sua pobreza, tudo o que tinha para viver.
Enquanto o mundo se reúne na COP 26 para discutir as mudanças climáticas que as nações ricas infligiram às nações pobres, não estamos vendo o mesmo exibido diante de nós, com vacinas da Covid como agentes monetários em vez de atos de justiça, com pessoas ricas explorando a situação da Covid ?
Cuidado com os ricos hipócritas religiosos! Um homem
Música “Um lugar comovente”
Pela beleza da Terra profanada pela poluição extinta por incêndios florestais sufocada por resíduos plásticos
Ó Deus vivo, a você pedimos perdão aos adultos por sua ganância sistêmica.
Pela urgência desta hora ignorada pela apatia ou procrastinação
desperdiçados por decisões ineficazes negadas por interesses econômicos, Cristo, perdoe-nos pelo comportamento egoísta de curto prazo do governo.
Pela alegria do amor humano fragmentado pela migração forçada esmagado pelo luto, perdido por tufões, inundações, fome, Cristo, portador da justiça, perdoe-nos por esta crise climática.
Música “Cristo seja nossa luz”
Vamos viver justamente
Nós amaremos gentilmente
Andaremos com Deus. Um homem
Com agradecimentos a © Christian Aid e Brian Finlayson