Attention! God calls out to the city!
If you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen.
So listen, all of you!
This is serious business. Micah 6:1-9
Song “Lets sing to the Lord a new song”
We say the Lords Prayer in our own language
For the beauty of the Earth desecrated by pollution extinguished by forest fires choked by plastic waste
O living God, to you we plead, forgive the governments, and companies for their systemic greed.
For the urgency of this hour ignored by apathy or procrastination
wasted by ineffective decisions denied by economic interests
Christ, our God and Saviour, forgive us for world leaders selfish short-term behaviour.
For those fractured by forced migration crushed by bereavement
lost to typhoons, drought, floods, starvation,
Christ, our God, bringer of justice forgive us for this climate crisis. Amen
Psalm 96:11-13
Let the heavens be glad,
and let the earth rejoice;
let the sea roar, and all that fills it;
let the field exult, and everything in it. Then shall all the trees of the forest
sing for joy before the Lord;
for he is coming,
for he is coming to judge the earth.
He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with his truth.
Our Prayers for our world
The sea roars with the grief because of all the plastic that fills it, the pain of
of the destruction of coral reef.
The fields exclaim despair
for delayed rains and prolonged drought for species extinction on a daily basis.
No song of joy rings out from the trees of the forest decimated by forest fires.
How long O God, we plead to you, for leaders to act and move us to act with urgency. Amen
Song “Nature shines with glory”
We will live justly
We will love kindly
We will walk with God. Amen
With thanks to © Christian Aid
Perhatian! Tuhan memanggil kota!
Jika Anda tahu apa yang baik untuk Anda, Anda akan mendengarkan.
Jadi dengarkan, kalian semua!
Ini adalah bisnis yang serius. Mikha 6:1-9
Lagu “Mari menyanyikan lagu baru bagi Tuhan”
Kami mengucapkan Doa Bapa Kami dalam bahasa kami sendiri
Demi keindahan bumi yang tercemar polusi yang padam oleh kebakaran hutan yang tersendat oleh sampah plastik
O Tuhan yang hidup, kepada-Mu kami memohon, maafkan pemerintah, dan perusahaan atas keserakahan sistemik mereka.
Untuk urgensi saat ini diabaikan oleh sikap apatis atau penundaan
disia-siakan oleh keputusan yang tidak efektif yang ditolak oleh kepentingan ekonomi
Kristus, Allah dan Juruselamat kami, ampunilah kami atas perilaku egois jangka pendek para pemimpin dunia.
Bagi mereka yang retak karena migrasi paksa yang dihancurkan oleh dukacita
hilang karena angin topan, kekeringan, banjir, kelaparan,
Kristus, Tuhan kami, pembawa keadilan, ampunilah kami atas krisis iklim ini. Amin
Mazmur 96:11-13
Biarkan surga bersukacita,
dan biarkan bumi bersukacita;
biarkan laut mengaum, dan semua yang mengisinya;
biarlah ladang itu bergembira, dan segala isinya. Kemudian semua pohon di hutan
bernyanyi kegirangan di hadapan Tuhan;
karena dia akan datang,
karena dia akan datang untuk menghakimi bumi.
Dia akan menghakimi dunia dengan kebenaran, dan orang-orang dengan kebenarannya.
Doa kami untuk dunia kami
Laut mengaum dengan kesedihan karena semua plastik yang mengisinya, rasa sakitnya
dari rusaknya terumbu karang.
Ladang berseru putus asa
untuk hujan tertunda dan kekeringan berkepanjangan untuk kepunahan spesies setiap hari.
Tidak ada nyanyian kegembiraan yang terdengar dari pohon-pohon di hutan yang dihancurkan oleh kebakaran hutan.
Berapa lama ya Tuhan, kami memohon kepada-Mu, agar para pemimpin bertindak dan menggerakkan kami untuk bertindak dengan urgensi. Amin
Lagu "Alam bersinar dengan kemuliaan"
Kami akan hidup adil
Kami akan mencintai dengan ramah
Kita akan berjalan bersama Tuhan. Amin
Dengan terima kasih kepada © Christian Aid
Atenção! Deus chama a cidade!
Se você sabe o que é bom para você, você vai ouvir.
Então ouçam, todos vocês!
Este é um negócio sério. Miquéias 6: 1-9
Música “Vamos cantar para o Senhor uma nova canção”
Dizemos a Oração do Senhor em nossa própria língua
Pela beleza da Terra profanada pela poluição extinta por incêndios florestais sufocada por resíduos plásticos
Ó Deus vivo, a você imploramos, perdoe os governos e as empresas por sua ganância sistêmica.
Pela urgência desta hora ignorada pela apatia ou procrastinação
desperdiçado por decisões ineficazes negadas por interesses econômicos
Cristo, nosso Deus e Salvador, perdoa-nos pelo comportamento egoísta de curto prazo dos líderes mundiais.
Para aqueles fraturados por migração forçada esmagados pelo luto
perdidos por tufões, secas, inundações, fome,
Cristo, nosso Deus, portador da justiça, perdoe-nos por esta crise climática. Um homem
Salmo 96: 11-13
Que os céus se alegrem,
e deixe a terra se alegrar;
deixe o mar rugir e tudo o que o preenche;
deixe o campo exultar e tudo nele. Então, todas as árvores da floresta
cantai de alegria perante o Senhor;
pois ele esta vindo,
pois ele vem para julgar a terra.
Ele julgará o mundo com justiça e os povos com a sua verdade.
Nossas orações por nosso mundo
O mar ruge de dor por causa de todo o plástico que o preenche, a dor de
da destruição do recife de coral.
Os campos exclamam desespero
para chuvas atrasadas e seca prolongada para a extinção de espécies em uma base diária.
Nenhuma canção de alegria ecoa das árvores da floresta dizimadas pelos incêndios florestais.
Quanto tempo, ó Deus, imploramos a você, que os líderes ajam e nos movam a agir com urgência. Um homem
Canção “Nature shines with glory”
Vamos viver justamente
Nós amaremos gentilmente
Andaremos com Deus. Um homem
Com agradecimentos a © Christian Aid