Sunday, 25 December 2022

Christmas Prayers 2022,

From a dark womb, bathed in starlight, into a world sorely in need of you, you are born.


Love-shine, your moment has come. In the dark of the womb you waited. Bathed in the balm of the star, you rest. Into a world sorely in need of your light, you are born.


When you knock on our door looking for room, may we welcome you. Like the herald of your birth, call us to share your good news first with those who are poor, excluded and afraid.


Song “Oh Holy Night” Celine Dion


Reading Luke 2v1-14


The Nativity Rap2


Christmas thoughts


We have journeyed through Advent together. We have remembered the 

pregnant waiting of Christmas and the hope still to come of Peace on 

Earth but we are still waiting, still full of hope.


The Old Testament prophets spoke of a return to God. When God’s people wander away from their true calling, and forget the plight of others, they become aimless and empty, and their souls are not fed. Only God can satisfy the hungry soul, and so Gods prophets cry in the emptiness and chaos, because in their hearts is a dream which refuses to die. Isaiah speaks of a light in the darkness. It’s an everlasting promise, there will be light in the darkness for Gods people.


Against the backdrop of Roman oppression and a loveless census the angels were singing a new song. The song is in contrast with the decree. It begins with a barren old woman, Elizabeth, a dumb old man, Zechariah, Elizabeth’s young cousin Mary,  and shepherds, who were not rich farmers! 


The old order was about laws and judgement. Just when Gods people had almost abandoned hope, the new order comes in the prophesies and songs of Elizabeth, Mary and the shepherds and is expressed in amazement because it cannot be contained in the old ways of thinking and the promises are back on the agenda.


Jesus birth begins with solidarity with ordinary people, shepherds, animals and conflict with the authorities. The old order is ending and indeed does end, but people rarely give up power peacefully. Herod’s reign was oppressive and seemed eternal but it like the Roman Empire eventually ceases. 


We live in similar dark times but God is with us, within us, born as a human being, suffering as we suffer.


We pray that God will be incarnated, born again in our hearts, in our lives, in our communities, in our nation and that we will see the powerful humbled and the humble exalted and a new way of being inaugurated. God with us. Immanuel. Amen


Jesus Christ, born in a stable,
We pray for those who are homeless this Christmas time.

Help us to be eradicate homelessness in our generation 
shine your everlasting light.


Jesus Christ, born of Mary,
Be with young mothers across the world this Christmas time, especially those in challenging circumstances
shine your everlasting light.


Jesus Christ, visited by Shepherds,
Be with all who have to work this Christmas, and those who long to work.
shine your everlasting light.


Jesus Christ,
who became a refugee,
Be with the many people who are far from their homes and families this Christmas and for the refugees and asylum seekers we know
shine your everlasting light.


Song “Tua Bethlehem Dref”


Take us to Bethlehem, House of Bread

Where the hungry are filled 

And the satisfied sent empty away

Where the poor find riches

And the rich recognize their poverty

And all who worship are filled with awe. 






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