Creator God
Meet me in my confusion
I call on the mercy of God
To meet me in my brokenness
God in our meeting
God in our parting
Song “Lord from sorrows deep”
As I come before your throne
Bow down before you
May my prayers rise up to you
And your blessings rain down upon me
Come Holy Spirit, dry bones awaken
The Lord’s Prayer in our own language
Psalm 32
How blessed is he whose wrongdoing is forgiven,
Whose sin is covered!
2 How blessed is a person whose guilt the Lord does not take into account,
And in whose spirit there is no deceit!
We pray for all those we know who need our help and prayers ….and the many others we carry in our hearts…for sustainable action on climate change, for people crossing in small boats, for Sudan, Ukraine, Russia, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Myanmar, the Rohingyas, the Uighurs, for Hong Kong, for China, for Taiwan, Myanmar, Belarus, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, Afghanistan, for our own country, for those with Covid, for doctors and nurses, carers, for those on strike, for refugees and the homeless and those hungry, and tormented.
Spirit of the Living God present with us now enter our bodies, minds and spirits and heal us of all that harms us. Let your angels be beside us at this time. In Jesus Name we pray.
Put fire in my heart
And sends me your Spirit
Renew my hopes and dreams
Remind me that a new way is always possible
In life, in death and beyond death
God is always with us.
There is always hope.