Sunday 10 September 2023

Prayers 11th September 2023,

We stand against hunger

Against injustice

And we hope for a better wold

Where everyone is housed

And fed

A world of abundance

Give us wisdom and courage

On our journey


Song “Lord I lift your name on high


You entrusted the earth to us

And we have destroyed it

The forests are burning

Animals are dying

Our world is sick

Forgive us

Restore our vision and help us to act bravely to save this precious world


We say the Lord’s Prayer in our own language


Reading Psalm 49

18 Though while they live they count themselves blessed—
    and people praise you when you prosper—
19 they will join those who have gone before them,
    who will never again see the light of life.

20 People who have wealth but lack understanding
    are like the beasts that perish.


We pray for all those we know who need our help and prayers who we carry in our hearts today. For those who cant afford fuel, food or housing, for those on strike, those suffering in the heatwaves hurricanes and fires, for Palestine and Gaza, Ukraine, Russia, Myanmar, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Myanmar, the Rohingyas, the Uyghurs, Belarus, Iran, the US, Afghanistan, the UK, our own country, doctors, those confronting injustice, and pressing issues of climate change, for the millions of refugees, the homeless and despairing, our own families, friends and ourselves…Spirit of the Living God present with us now enter our bodies, minds and spirits and heal us of all that harms us. Let your angels be beside us at this time. Amen


Song “You raise me up”


This is the day that God has made

I will rejoice and be glad in it

I will not offer to God

Offerings that cost me nothing

I will go in Peace

To love and serve the Lord





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